Distance sensor 10m Ultrasonic is enclosed in an IP67 box which makes it ideal for mounting outside or in extreme conditions. Use the distance sensor to measure water level under a bridge, trash level in a container, and much more. With this device, you can also measure the ambient temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, and acceleration. This version has ultrasonic sensor that can measure distance up to 10 meters.
The battery life is estimated to be up to 10 years but depends on sample interval, transmit interval, data rate, and environmental factors. It is powered by one 3,6V AA lithium battery.
All our sensors are equipped with NFC (Near Field Communication) for easy configuration with an Android phone. You can change the sample rate, data rate, encryption keys, triggers, activation, and much more in our application “Sensor Settings“. All our sensors are built on the LoRaWAN® stack from Semtech.
Channel plans for US 902-928, EU 863-870, AS 923, AU 915-928, and KR 920-923.
Please visit our Documents & Firmware page for more information about this product. You will find this information under “ELT-2”.
We are using MaxBotix product MB7386 HRXL-MaxSonar-WRMT.
Battery and antenna are not included.