ERS Black is a wireless LoRaWAN® sensor for indoor environments that measures temperature, humidity, light, and motion (PIR). Its Scandinavian design makes it discrete in business, public, and home environments. A black sensor is popular in modern and minimalist interior designs. It offers a sleek, sophisticated look that can blend well with modern decor. Depending on the background, black can either stand out for ease of identification or blend in for discreetness. In a room with a darker wall color, a black sensor can be less conspicuous, maintaining the aesthetic integrity of the space. ERS requires low maintenance with its long battery life (up to 10 years), and the batteries can easily be changed when needed. Configurations of the sensor, such as sample rate, data rate, encryption keys, triggers, activation, and more, can quickly be done via NFC with a smartphone or via downlink.
A traffic light feature lets you know when a certain threshold of the temperature, or any other value, has been reached. The threshold value is configurable, and you can choose the color of the light, the frequency, and the light intensity.
Batteries are not included. This product requires 2 x AA 3.6V Lithium Batteries (ER14505).